Send Email

Send Email

Send Emails Effortlessly with the Flinkk Mail API

  -X POST '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d $'{
  "from": "",
  "to": "",
  "subject": "hello world",
  "htmlContent": "It works nicely !",
  "headers": {
    "api-key": "123"
  "attachments": [
      "filename": 'sample.pdf',
      "url": "",

Body Parameters

from string

  • Sender's email address.
  • To include a friendly name, use the format "Your Name <>".

to string | string[] - Recipient email address. For multiple addresses, send as an array of strings. Max 50.

subject string - Email subject.

bcc string - Bcc recipient email address.

cc string - Cc recipient email address.

reply_to string - Reply-to email address.

html string - The HTML version of the message.

headers object - Custom headers to add to the email. - In headers, api-key needs to be passed which can be generated in API Keys section of the app.

attachments array - Attached documents with the email. It includes two parameters, filename and url. Url is the link of the file where it is hosted and filename is name of it.